Do you want to get involved?  There are a lot of ways that we can partner together.



-Come with us.  If you are interested in joining us on a clean water trip, please contact us under



-Sponsorship. We need sponsors for the clean water projects that we are currently working on and the ones that we will do in the future. Sponsorship can come from individuals, groups or businesses. It can be monetary, or physical supplies, such as filters, hygiene supplies or flights. It can be one time or ongoing.  If you want to talk to us about a potential donation, please contact us.


-Use your words.  Tell your friends, co-workers and community groups about the Clean Water Project.  Promote the website and the projects on social media by sharing the link to our page or to the videos. 



You can use the below information to give financial support towards the water project. Do you have a question? You can contact us at!


Swiss Warm Blankets (tax deductible) please be sure to label your gift "Clean Water Project, Lukas and Jenny Graf"

(In Switzerland) Postcheckkonto 60-372500-9

(from outside of Switzerland) IBAN: CH18 0900 0000 6037 2500 9


Direct deposit to our account (not tax deductible)

Lukas and Jennifer Graf (in Switzerland)  Postcheckkonto: 87-701112-6 

(internationally)  IBAN: CH6309000000877011126


Use Paypal: You can make a one time or reoccurring donation by using Paypal. Currently this is not tax deductible (but we are working on setting up a USA tax deductible giving option).